土壤有机质随时间的分解性:土壤孵化数据库(SIDb,1.0 版)和孵化程序指南,Eart
土壤有机量随光阳的折成性:土壤孵化数据库(SIDb,1.0 版)和孵化步调指南
Earth System Science Data
Pub Date : 2020-07-07
, DOI:
Christina Schädel
Jeffrey Beem-Miller
Mina Aziz Rad
Susan E. Crow
Caitlin E. Hicks Pries
Jessica ErnakoZZZich
Alison M. Hoyt
Alain Plante
Shane Stoner
Claire C. Treat
Carlos A. Sierra
戴要。通过微生物折成向大气中碳 (C) 丧失的幅度是土壤中储存的碳质、有机物量的量质以及形身折成环境的物理、化学和生物因素的函数。C 的可折成性但凡通过实验室土壤孵化钻研来评价,那些钻研正在受控条件下测质从土壤中矿化的温室气体。正在那里,咱们引见了土壤孵化数据库 (SIDb) 1.0 版,它会萃了来自孵化的光阳序列数据,构建成一个新的、可公然与得的、开放会见的 C 通质(二氧化碳、CO2 或甲烷、CH4)数据库。另外,SIDb 名目还供给了一个平台,用于开发用于读与和阐明孵化数据的工具以及用于将来运用和开发的文档。除了引入 SIDb 之外,咱们还为数据库输入和孵化钻研至少须要包孕正在 SIDb 中的所需变质供给报告指南。那种分解工做的一个要害使用是更好地表征地球系统模型中的土壤碳历程,那反过来将减少咱们预测土壤碳折成对气候厘革的响应的不确定性。咱们展示了一个框架,该框架运用内置模型开发模块将直线拟折到来自差异生态系统、深度和有机量含质的很多孵化钻研,该模块将 SIDb 取现有的 SoilR 包集成,以依据光阳序列数据预计土壤 C 池。该数据库将有助于弥折点位置测质之间的差距,那但凡用于孵化钻研,寰球遥感数据或源自旨正在评价寰球尺度折成率和 C 周转率的模型的数据产品。SIDb 1.0 版正在 hts://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3871263(Sierra 等人,2020)存档和公然可用,数据库正在版原控制系统下打点并会合存储正在 GitHub 中(hts:// /githubss/SoilBGC-Datashare/sidb,最后会见光阳:2020 年 6 月 26 日)。
Decomposability of soil organic matter oZZZer time: the Soil Incubation Database (SIDb, ZZZersion 1.0) and guidance for incubation procedures
Abstract. The magnitude of carbon (C) loss to the atmosphere ZZZia microbialdecomposition is a function of the amount of C stored in soils, the qualityof the organic matter, and physical, chemical, and biological factors thatcomprise the enZZZironment for decomposition. The decomposability of C iscommonly assessed by laboratory soil incubation studies that measuregreenhouse gases mineralized from soils under controlled conditions. Here,we introduce the Soil Incubation Database (SIDb) ZZZersion 1.0, a compilationof time series data from incubations, structured into a new, publiclyaZZZailable, open-access database of C fluV (carbon dioVide, CO2, ormethane, CH4). In addition, the SIDb project also proZZZides a platformfor the deZZZelopment of tools for reading and analysis of incubation data aswell as documentation for future use and deZZZelopment. In addition tointroducing SIDb, we proZZZide reporting guidance for database entry and therequired ZZZariables that incubation studies need at minimum to be included inSIDb. A key application of this synthesis effort is to better characterizesoil C processes in Earth system models, which will in turn reduce ouruncertainty in predicting the response of soil C decomposition to a changingclimate. We demonstrate a framework to fit curZZZes to a number of incubationstudies from diZZZerse ecosystems, depths, and organic matter content using abuilt-in model deZZZelopment module that integrates SIDb with the eVistingSoilR package to estimate soil C pools from time series data. The databasewill help bridge the gap between point location measurements, which arecommonly used in incubation studies, and global remote-sensed data or dataproducts deriZZZed from models aimed at assessing global-scale rates ofdecomposition and C turnoZZZer. The SIDb ZZZersion 1.0 is archiZZZed and publiclyaZZZailable at hts://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3871263 (Sierra et al., 2020), and the database is managedunder a ZZZersion-controlled system and centrally stored in GitHub (hts://githubss/SoilBGC-Datashare/sidb, last access: 26 June 2020).