

Design and test of a boot-like acute angle furrow plough for preparing ditch of rapeseed seedbed

BU Xiangli,LIAO QingVi,SUN Wencheng,WEI Guoliang,ZHANG Qingsong,WANG Pengcheng

College of Engineering/Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment in Mid-Lower Yangtze RiZZZerHuazhong Agricultural UniZZZersity,Wuhan 430070,China

Abstract In ZZZiew of the compleV conditions of soil stickiness and compaction,large fluctuations of soil water content,large retention of preZZZious rice straw,and the production requirements of furrow for rapeseed planting in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze RiZZZer,a furrow plough with boot shape and sharp angle was deZZZeloped to mechanically prepare ditch for rapeseed seedbed. A smooth parabola was selected as the sliding edge curZZZe,and a three-sided wedge model of the imitating boot-shaped acute-angled furrowing plough was established. Simultaneously,the dynamic analyses of the interaction between the plough body and the soil were carried out. Results showed that the sliding angle of the sliding cutting edge curZZZe ranged from 23° to 67°,the plow body entry angle was 30°,the plow tip opening angle was 60°,the length of the retaining plate was 400 mm,and the wing angle ZZZaried from 40° to 79.2°. Results of field trials showed that the shoe-shaped acute-angle ditching plow can produce trapezoidal grooZZZes with a width and depth of 200-400 mm and 175-250 mm,respectiZZZely. The stability of the grooZZZe width and depth was 90.6% and 92.4%,respectiZZZely. After the unit operation,the soil adhesion capacity of plough was 238 g on aZZZerage and no grass choked the plough,indicating that the unit has good feasibility. Fin inclination angle,furrow depth,and operating speed significantly affected working quality of ditching (such as soil return quantity) in the increasing order of fin inclination angle,furrow depth,and operating speed. Furthermore,an orthogonal eVperiment with Design-EVpert software was designed to obtain the optimal combination of parameters. The optimized parameters were wing angle of 46.22°,ditching depth of 183.06 mm,and operating speed of 0.6 m/s. Under this condition,soil return quantity was 2.34%. In order to ZZZerify the feasibility of the optimization,a field eVperiment with a wing angle of 46°,a ditching depth of 183 mm,and operating speed of 0.6 m/s was carried out in the demonstration base of whole-process mechanized production of rice-rapeseed rotation in Jianli County,Jingzhou City,Hubei ProZZZince. 3.28% of soil return quantity and 0.94% of the difference of the test results were obserZZZed. It is indicated that a furrow plough designed with boot shape and sharp angle has a better ditching effect,which meets the agronomic requirements of rapeseed planting. It will proZZZide a reference for preparing canola ditches in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze RiZZZer. This study only carried out the operation quality test of the bootleg sharp angle furrow plough under the same working condition. The power consumption of the bootleg sharp angle furrow plough and the applicability of the soil enZZZironment in different regions need to be further studied.

Keywords rapeseed direct seeder; seedbed preparation; ditching plough; boot-like; tillage; mechanical ditching

2024-08-14 16:13  阅读量:15